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Timer X 2.0

Timer X 2.0

Timer X Publisher's Description

A fully featured timer in the palm of your hand! TimerX has features to handle all of your timing needs. Having TimerX is like having a thousand stopwatches! No other timing solution for the Palm OS compares! Some features include:

Multiple Timing Events - Run over 1000 stopwatches and countdown timers simultaneously! Timers will continue running when the application exited, and the device shut-off or reset. Customize each timer with its own label and color.

Countdown Timers - Use timers as a stopwatch or as a countdown timer. Customize each timer''s end behavior, and make them warn you before time expires. Support for system midi alarms and LED and vibrating alarms!

Lap and Split - Store thousands of laps for each timer. Useful for timing races.

Linked Timers - Control multiple timers at once! Multiple link types to help time control groups of timers at once with ease. Great for races, chess timers, and many other uses.

Display Options - Display timers with different sizes. Options to display laps in larger sizes. TimerX can display up to 12 timers at once (on devices with a DIA).

Support for DIA - Supports extended portrait and landscape mode on devices such as the PalmOne Tungstent|t3, Tungstent|t5, and Tapwave Zodiac.

Additional features include delayed timer start, ordering, and duplicating. TimerX is the most flexible timing solution for Palm OS. Download for a five day trial. If you find it useful, please purchase to support further development. All 2.x updates will be free.

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